Strawberry Breakfast Oatmeal Smoothie
Following vegan diet with fruits and vegetables which has many nutritious benefits. They contain a variety of vitamins, proteins, fiber, calcium … Besides, they do not contain much calories and fat, so they are very useful for weighting loss, beautiful skin, anti-aging and reducing cholesterol in blood. Best of all, plant-based diets are healthier, environment-friendly, and really yummy. After all, I want to introduce our best vegan recipe in the post today. That is Strawberry Breakfast Oatmeal Smoothie-one of the best close friend to maintain your process diet in a long time. In addition to the health benefits, it is also extremely tasty, flavorful and colorful. The vegan recipe are easy to embrace a vegan lifestyle with the best vegan food.
Or if you just want to drink something light, creamy and sweet, the recipe is the good way to start. With the recipe, it is not only so tasty but also easy to make with natural and sweet ingredients such as oats, banana, milk, sugar, vanilla, strawberries. They are combined perfectly in one to make a great Strawberry Breakfast Oatmeal Smoothie glass that you can not avoid its charm. If you take it a first try once, you will fall in love for all, from taste to color. Believe me!
It’s time to bring the good recipe on your kitchen with the most detailed instructions. Make it and enjoy right away.
Strawberry Breakfast Oatmeal Smoothie
Strawberry Breakfast Oatmeal Smoothie-one of the best close friend to maintain process diet in a long time. In addition to the health benefits, it is also extremely tasty, flavorful and colorful.
1/2 Cup Rolled Oats
1 Banana
14 Frozen Strawberries
1 Cup Soy Milk
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 1/2 Teaspoons Sugar
- In a blender, add all ingredients.
- Use strawberries to garnish.

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